Markets/ Service Industries
541611 - Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
541618 - Other Management Consulting Services
541620 - Environmental Consulting Services
541690 - Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
541712 - Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
562910 - Remediation Services
541990 - All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
924110 - Administration of Air, Water Resource, Solid Waste Management Programs

Exceptional client service is paramount to Riebdon International. Relationships with our clients are nurtured, grown, and cultivated, many over years, through understanding your businesses, responding quickly, and providing effective, reasonable solutions that add value to your most challenging of issues...that's what client service means to Riebdon International.
We serve clients close to home and across the globe, ranging from local municipalities, DOD Contractors, small facilities / plants, and state agencies up to federal agencies, to include the US Military and multinational Fortune 100 industries. From the single Phase I environmental site assessment to the multimillion-dollar programmatic government contract, we serve each client the same. We are: ethical, committed, responsive, creative, and cost-effective.
The longevity of our client relationships, many spanning our entire time as a business, are testament to how we serve our clients.
Check out our many project profiles detailing our broad experience or contact us today to see how we can help you!
Our client base can be broken down into two categories:
In this fast-paced environment, where you're required to do more with less every year, Riebdon International is there to help you with your greatest challenges. Whether we're in the plant assisting Quality and EHS staff with a job hazard analysis or environmental compliance audit or whether we're sitting in the boardroom strategically advising Quality/ EHS leadership on environmental reserves for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, no issue is too big or too small for our group of committed professionals.
Industry Market Segments
Consumer Products
Consumer Services
Forestry Products
Health Care
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Retail Trade

Riebdon International helps government clients -- municipal, regional, state, and federal -- throughout the U.S. develop, manage, and implement environmental, engineering design, and health and safety programs to make the places we live and work better.
Among the federal clients we have been privileged to serve are the U.S. Navy, Army, Marine Corps and AIr Force, Defense Logistics Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Our broad-spectrum experience with these clients includes program and environmental management and restoration, Industrial Hygiene, operation & maintenance, remedial system optimization, Program Development, solid/hazardous waste, planning, pollution prevention, range assessments and clearance, and waste minimization.
Work for these clients is supported by sophisticated Defense Contract Management Agency-approved purchasing support services.
Please visit our Project Profiles to review many of the relevant solutions provided to our government clients including Projects Supporting the US Military In Southwest Asia.

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If there's any way we can help, please let us know.
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